Worked with fortune 500 companies

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learn price analysis from scratch

Success lies in simplicity and as far as the market is concerned simplicity lies in the PRICE. Price has the first and all the information

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on demand videos

Shiksha has recorded vidoes to learn and undertsand the trading strategies. One can the trading strategies in depth and cover the topic at their own time

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live q/a sesion

Speaker conducts live Q/A sessions where students can ask him questions directly

this is

how market behaves

Any chartered accountant is supposed to know the three Golden principles to practice as acs.

  • right arrowDebit what comes in, Credit what goes out.
  • right arrowDebit the Receiver, Credit the Giver.
  • right arrowDebit the losses and expenses, credit all gains and incomes.

Simillarly, every market participant is supposed to know 4 types of buy trades and 4 types of sell trades as explained

Always all our effort is to know when to buy and when to sell... and it can be known once we know the behaviour of the price and all we know that market has only 2 types of behaviour that is either price rises or price falls ,and every rising price suggest 4 type of buying and 4 types of selling as explained below:

Price analysis course

how the market behaves

Investors & Intraday/ Positional/ Short/ Long Term Traders

SHIKSHA FOR THE MARKET empowers comprehensive training based on PRICE, it imparts knowledge to the traders and investors to know how exactly the Stock market behaves. It is meant for those who want to rely on their own skill sets and knowledge and not News, not Information, not tips, no friendly free advice, no Investment consultants/Advisors or operators

Price analysis course offers

Buy and Sell stocks using rewarding Price Analysis Strategies which are computerized

Risk Immune

Shiksha software can help us learn the market

We have Entry Points and Targets in trading as we enter trade

Shiksha system is screen free trading, once you study before the market begin, you are ready

The strategies here can be applied to any exchange and in any Time Frame.

Gap theory helps us to know in advance when to stop

Build confidence so the learner can mediately apply what has been learned on their own

Trade any Stock of your choice


Access to Shiksha Software

Voluntary Webinar Support

Voluntary Webinar Support Post Course to solve queries

Webinars to Share/Explain certain important scenarios

intended for

Stock Market Investor
Knowledge seeker
Mutual Fund Specialist
Investment Specialist
Investment advisor
Fund Manager
Job seeker
Mutual Fund Specialist
Mutual Fund Representative,
Equity Research Analyst
Equity Trader
Derivatives Trader
Portfolio Manager
Equity Derivatives Specialist


Training strategies

on-demand videos



Shiksha ideology

Looking for resistance and drifting selling level in a falling market, as opposed to the more common way of looking for a support level and vice versa

While buying we prefer to rely only on reason to buy instead of the support levels, the support levels we workout and track to exit/fold an un favourable position & hold/add the favourble position & vice versa

Knowing whether a trade is high risk trade or a low risk trade, as opposed to risk-return ratio.

Emphasizing on RE-ENTRY level, instead of only Entry and Exit levels

Focus on trading, markets & personal psychology are the integral part of the trading business

Focusing on moving with and reacting to movement of the market; as opposed to dictating markets by predicting, anticipating or forecasting

Complete reliance on self-knowledge through price analysis as opposed to news and insider information, since we believe that "price has the first, and all the information".

Learning is easy, since our system is numerical in nature, as opposed to being graphical

Applicability across varying time-frames, and thus useful for short-term and long term trading and investing

Looking for resistance and drifting selling level in a falling market, as opposed to the more common way of looking for a support level and vice versa

About the Instructor

Himanshu Shaah has graduated from The Madras University and Ex- Member of Madras Stock Exchange, born and raised up in Chennai (Madras), India and an active Trader/ Investor/ Broker, since 1987.


"I have been privileged and blessed to know about Shiksha For the Market and to learn how market really behaves from Himanshu sir."

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"Mr Himanshu Shaah- The best trainer on Financial Markets Behaviour and Shiksha. I have done many courses, but this is The best Price analysis course on Financial Markets available"

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"The best part is it works on any Stock, Exchange, Commodity, Forex or Index. So I just need to learn once and can easily apply on any market"

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Himanshu shaah

shiksha for the market